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25 Nov 2014 - Trainings for carers and family members

As part of the project "Improvement of health care of the elderly, dependent and chronically ill people from Żary and Lubsko and the rest of the southern area of the Lubuskie province" March 2015 will see the start of a number of free of charge trainings for family members and carers of elderly, chronically ill and disabled people. The trainings will take place in Żary and in Lubsko.
Training topics:
  • Specificity of the ageing process
  • Neurological disorders of old age.
  • Organizing care of a chronically ill person.
  • Prevention and course of diseases of the elderly
The lectures will be conducted by a professional staff from the Szpital na Wyspie, who have vast experience in the scope of geriatric and long-term care.
Detailed information regarding planned trainings will be gradually appearing in local media and on the website www.szpitalnawyspie.pl